Separating the Truth from the Lies
What the Wind Power Companies Told Lincoln Township Residents vs. the Reality

Wisonsin Public Service called their implementation program a "good neighbor" policy. However, if you talk to the residents of Lincoln Township, you will find that after the wind turbines were constructed, their "good neighbor" slammed the door on complaints, concerns and consideration for the residents who are expected to live with problems for the next 30 years.

"We were misinformed. They pulled it over on us."-- a resident of Lincoln Township, Wis., whose home is located 1,200 feet from the nearest turbine

Turbine noise will not be an issue.Due to the noise, two homeowners sold their properties to the power company and moved; their former homes were bulldozed and razed. One homeowner is trying to move his house away from the area. Two homeowners are suing the power company, in hopes that the noise problem will be remedied.

In addition, due to residents' complaints, the power company now shuts off the turbines when the wind is blowing 5-10 mph.

50 decibels is the equivalent of people talking in a room.50 decibels of noise carries differently outdoors than indoors. See excerpts from Lincoln Township's Noise Complaint Log.
Turbines will not affect property values.In a township survey, half of the residents said they now highly dislike the turbines and would have liked them located in a less conspicuous area, farther away. If half say they highly dislike the turbines, it is likely that half of the potential buyers for a property can be dismissed. Property values have yet to be reassessed after the turbine construction.
The turbines will not affect TV reception.TV reception was interrupted. Individual TV antennas were purchased by the power company and erected for individual residences. Afterwards, the power company said they would not pay for any more TV reception improvements for the duration of the 30-year turbine contract, even when a new local station was added. Residents had to fight to get the power company to add the station.
Strobe and shadow effects will not occur.Strobe and shadow effects were problem enough that residents complained and the power company had to pay for awnings, window treatment blinds and trees to block the light at certain times of the day. Strobe and shadow effects take place for about 40 minutes during sunrise or sunset if the angle of the sun and the light intensity create the right conditions.
Lightning will not affect the turbines.Lightning struck and broke one of the turbine blades. The blade had to be replaced.
Lincoln Township is the best area in the nation for optimal wind speed.Lincoln Township doesn't even have the best wind conditions in the state, let alone the U.S. for constant, high winds.

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